July 26, 2014

Seeking Joy

I can't help but feel grateful for God's blessings both big and small.  And, because I am grateful, I am  happy.  And because I am happy, I want to, not just exist, but live.  I have a choice to make:  I can either curl into a ball, sink into sadness and despair over what's wrong in my life or, get up and face life with faith and determination, celebrate the good that comes my way when it does. I came to realize that feeling blue and bugged down, mopping around when life is knocking me down doesn't really solve anything. It doesn't make things better faster so, while I accept those feelings when they come, because they do come for I am human and I do have those moments like everybody else, I seek joy.  I try to enjoy every moment, no matter how brief, that brings joy to my life.  And that has helped me, strengthened me a lot more than the tears I have shed.  I will continue to seek joy.  The tears will come again I'm sure but when they do, I will look inwards to find the place where joy lives and that will get me through.

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